Upgrading React Native Version: Tackling Java Code Changes with Confidence
Image by Yoon ah - hkhazo.biz.id

Upgrading React Native Version: Tackling Java Code Changes with Confidence

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Are you in the midst of upgrading your React Native version and stumbled upon some Java code that needs to be modified, but you’re unsure how to handle it? Fear not, dear developer! This article is here to guide you through the process with clear instructions and explanations, ensuring you can tackle those Java code changes with confidence.

Understanding the Context

When upgrading React Native, it’s not uncommon to encounter Java code that requires modifications. This code might have been extended beforehand, making it challenging to decipher what changes are needed. Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand why this happens.

React Native uses a combination of JavaScript and native code (Java or Objective-C) to build mobile applications. When you upgrade React Native, the native code might need to be modified to accommodate changes in the JavaScript side. This is where things can get tricky, especially if you’re not familiar with Java.

Identifying the Issue

So, how do you know you need to modify Java code? Here are some common signs:

  • You’re encountering errors or warnings related to Java code during the upgrade process.
  • You’ve noticed that certain features or functionalities are not working as expected after the upgrade.
  • You’ve received warnings or notifications about deprecated Java code that needs to be updated.

If you’ve identified with any of these scenarios, it’s time to get your hands dirty and tackle those Java code changes!

Preparing for the Task

Before you start modifying the Java code, make sure you have the following:

  • A good understanding of the Java programming language (don’t worry, we’ll provide guidance).
  • The Android Studio IDE or a similar Java development environment.
  • The React Native project code, including the Java files that need modification.
  • A version control system like Git to track changes.

Take a deep breath, and let’s get started!

Step 1: Identify the Affected Java Files

Locate the Java files that need modification. These files are usually located in the `android/app/src/main/java` directory of your React Native project. You can use the following command to find the affected files:

grep -r "react-native" android/app/src/main/java

This command will search for Java files containing the “react-native” keyword, which is a good indication of files that need modification.

Step 2: Understand the Java Code

Open the identified Java files in Android Studio or your preferred IDE. Take a moment to review the code and understand its purpose. Look for comments, documentation, or TODOs that might provide insight into the code’s functionality.

Familiarize yourself with the Java code structure and syntax. If you’re new to Java, here’s a quick rundown:

  • Java files typically end with the `.java` extension.
  • The code is organized into classes, methods, and variables.
  • Classes are defined using the `public class` keyword, followed by the class name.
  • Methods are defined inside classes using the `public` or `private` keyword, followed by the method name and parameters.
  • Variables are declared using the `private` or `public` keyword, followed by the variable type and name.

Focus on understanding the code’s logic and how it interacts with the React Native JavaScript side.

Step 3: Make the Necessary Changes

Now that you understand the Java code, it’s time to make the necessary changes. This might involve:

  • Updating deprecated code to comply with the new React Native version.
  • Modifying method signatures or parameters to match changes in the JavaScript side.
  • Adding or removing imports to accommodate changes in the React Native dependencies.

Here’s an example of how you might update a Java method to accommodate changes in the React Native version:

// Before
public void onMessageReceived(String message) {
  // Old implementation

// After
public void onMessageReceived(@NotNull String message) {
  // New implementation

Ensure you’re making changes that align with the React Native upgrade guidelines and documentation.

Step 4: Test and Verify

Once you’ve made the necessary changes, it’s essential to test and verify that everything is working as expected. This might involve:

  • Running the React Native app on a physical device or emulator.
  • Testing the specific feature or functionality that was affected by the Java code change.
  • Verifying that the app builds and runs without errors.

Use the React Native debugging tools and Android Studio’s built-in debugging features to identify and fix any issues that arise during testing.

Step 5: Commit and Share Your Changes

After verifying that everything is working correctly, commit your changes to your version control system (e.g., Git). Be sure to include a descriptive commit message that outlines the changes you made.

If you’re working on a team, share your changes with your colleagues and ensure everyone is on the same page.


Upgrading React Native versions can be challenging, especially when it comes to modifying Java code. However, with the right guidance and a clear understanding of the process, you can tackle those changes with confidence.

Remember to stay calm, take your time, and focus on understanding the Java code. Don’t hesitate to seek help or resources when needed. By following these steps, you’ll be able to successfully modify the Java code and ensure a smooth React Native upgrade experience.

Java Code Modification Checklist
Identify the affected Java files
Understand the Java code structure and syntax
Make the necessary changes to the Java code
Test and verify the changes
Commit and share the changes

By following this checklist, you’ll be well on your way to successfully upgrading your React Native version and tackling those Java code changes with ease.

Happy coding, and don’t forget to share your experiences and tips in the comments below!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about upgrading React Native version and handling Java code:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get stuck while upgrading React Native version and dealing with Java code? We’ve got you covered!

Q: Why do I need to change Java code while upgrading React Native version?

A: When you upgrade React Native, some native modules might require changes to their underlying Java code to ensure compatibility with the new version. These changes are necessary to prevent errors and ensure a smooth transition.

Q: How do I identify the Java code that needs to be changed?

A: Check the error messages and warnings you receive during the upgrade process. They usually point to the specific Java files that require changes. You can also consult the React Native documentation and search for specific modules that have undergone changes in the new version.

Q: What if I’ve extended the Java code before, how do I handle the changes?

A: If you’ve extended the Java code previously, you’ll need to reapply your custom changes to the updated code. Take note of the changes you made earlier and reapply them to the new code. You can also consider creating a patch or diff file to simplify the process.

Q: Can I use automatic code migration tools to simplify the process?

A: Yes, there are tools available that can help automate the migration process, such as Android Studio’s built-in migration tool or third-party plugins like react-native-upgrade-helper. These tools can save you time and effort, but be sure to review the changes carefully to ensure everything is correct.

Q: What if I’m not familiar with Java, how do I handle the changes?

A: Don’t panic! If you’re not familiar with Java, consider seeking help from a colleague or a freelance developer who’s experienced with Java and React Native. You can also search for online resources, tutorials, and documentation to help you understand the changes required.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you need any further assistance.