Unlocking the Secrets of CPU & Memory Usage in Google Cloud Run with Python
Image by Yoon ah - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secrets of CPU & Memory Usage in Google Cloud Run with Python

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As a developer, it’s crucial to keep a close eye on the performance of your applications, especially when it comes to CPU and memory usage. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Google Cloud Run and explore how to retrieve CPU and memory usage metrics from a service using Python. Buckle up, folks!

Why Monitor CPU & Memory Usage?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of retrieving CPU and memory usage metrics, let’s take a step back and understand why it’s essential to monitor these metrics in the first place.

CPU and memory usage are critical indicators of your application’s performance and health. By monitoring these metrics, you can:

  • Identify potential bottlenecks and optimize your code for better performance.
  • Prevent crashes and downtime by detecting memory leaks or excessive CPU usage.
  • Scale your resources efficiently, ensuring your application can handle sudden spikes in traffic.
  • Optimize your costs by right-sizing your instances and avoiding unnecessary resource allocation.

In short, monitoring CPU and memory usage is vital for building scalable, efficient, and cost-effective applications.

Overview of Google Cloud Run

Google Cloud Run is a fully managed platform for containerized applications. It allows you to deploy stateless containers that autoscale, and automatically manage rolling updates, traffic routing, and more. Cloud Run provides a robust set of features for building scalable and reliable applications.

One of the key features of Cloud Run is its ability to provide detailed metrics and logs for your applications. This is where we’ll focus our attention, as we explore how to retrieve CPU and memory usage metrics using Python.

Retrieving CPU & Memory Usage Metrics with Python

To retrieve CPU and memory usage metrics from a service in Google Cloud Run using Python, we’ll utilize the Cloud Run API and the `google-cloud-container` library. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Install the Required Libraries

First, ensure you have the `google-cloud-container` library installed. You can install it using pip:

pip install google-cloud-container

Step 2: Import the Required Libraries and Authenticate

In your Python script, import the required libraries and authenticate with the Cloud Run API:

import os
from google.oauth2 import service_account
from googleapiclient.discovery import build

# Authenticate with the Cloud Run API
creds = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(

client = build('run', 'v1', credentials=creds)

Replace `’path/to/service_account_key.json’` with the path to your service account key file.

Step 3: Retrieve the CPU & Memory Usage Metrics

Next, use the `client` object to retrieve the CPU and memory usage metrics for your service:

def get_cpu_memory_usage(project_id, location, service_id):
    response = client.projects().locations().services().instances().list(

    instances = response.get('items', [])

    cpu_usage = {}
    memory_usage = {}

    for instance in instances:
        instance_name = instance['metadata']['name']
        instance_response = client.projects().locations().services().instances().get(

        container_statuses = instance_response['status']['containerStatuses']

        for container in container_statuses:
            container_name = container['name']
            container_usage = container['usage']

            cpu_usage[container_name] = container_usage.get('cpu', {}).get('usage', {}).get('total', {}).get('value')
            memory_usage[container_name] = container_usage.get('memory', {}).get('usage', {}).get('total', {}).get('value')

    return cpu_usage, memory_usage

project_id = 'your-project-id'
location = 'us-central1'
service_id = 'your-service-id'

cpu_usage, memory_usage = get_cpu_memory_usage(project_id, location, service_id)

print('CPU Usage:')
print('Memory Usage:')

This code snippet retrieves the CPU and memory usage metrics for each container in your service. The `get_cpu_memory_usage` function takes three arguments: `project_id`, `location`, and `service_id`. It returns two dictionaries, `cpu_usage` and `memory_usage`, containing the usage metrics for each container.

Understanding the Metrics

Now that we’ve retrieved the CPU and memory usage metrics, let’s take a closer look at what these metrics actually mean.

The `cpu_usage` dictionary contains the total CPU usage for each container, measured in nanoseconds. The `memory_usage` dictionary contains the total memory usage for each container, measured in bytes.

Here’s a sample output:

Container Name CPU Usage (ns) Memory Usage (B)
my-app 1234567890 1048576
sidecar 2345678901 524288

In this example, the `my-app` container has a total CPU usage of 1.23 seconds and a total memory usage of 1MB. The `sidecar` container has a total CPU usage of 2.34 seconds and a total memory usage of 512KB.

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to keep in mind when working with CPU and memory usage metrics:


  • Use the ` Cloud Run console` to visualize your CPU and memory usage metrics, providing a more intuitive understanding of your application’s performance.
  • Implement alerting and notification systems to notify your team when CPU or memory usage exceeds certain thresholds.
  • Use these metrics to optimize your resource allocation, ensuring you’re not over- or under-provisioning resources.


You can modify the `get_cpu_memory_usage` function to retrieve metrics for specific time ranges or intervals. For example:

response = client.projects().locations().services().instances().list(
    query_params={'startTime': '2023-02-01T00:00:00Z', 'endTime': '2023-02-01T01:00:00Z'}

This modified function retrieves CPU and memory usage metrics for the specified time range.


In this article, we’ve explored how to retrieve CPU and memory usage metrics from a service in Google Cloud Run using Python. By following these steps and understanding the metrics, you’ll be well-equipped to monitor and optimize your application’s performance, ensuring a scalable, efficient, and cost-effective solution.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started with Cloud Run and start unlocking the secrets of your application’s performance today!

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on fetching CPU and Memory usage from a service in Google Cloud Run using Python!

How do I access the CPU and Memory usage of a service in Google Cloud Run using Python?

You can use the Google Cloud Logging API to fetch the CPU and Memory usage of a service in Google Cloud Run. You’ll need to enable the Cloud Logging API, install the Google Cloud Client Library for Python, and use the `logging_v2` module to fetch the metrics.

What is the best way to authenticate with the Google Cloud Logging API using Python?

You can authenticate with the Google Cloud Logging API using the `google.auth` module and the `google.cloud.logging_v2` module. You’ll need to set up a service account, generate a key file, and use the `client.Client` method to authenticate.

How can I filter the CPU and Memory usage metrics to a specific service in Google Cloud Run using Python?

You can use the `logging_v2_Client.list_log_entries` method to filter the metrics to a specific service in Google Cloud Run. You can use the `filter_` parameter to specify the service name, and the `order_by` parameter to sort the results.

What is the unit of measurement for the CPU and Memory usage metrics in Google Cloud Run?

The unit of measurement for the CPU usage metric is a percentage (%), and for the Memory usage metric, it’s in bytes (B). You can use the `logging_v2_Client.get_metric_descriptor` method to retrieve the unit of measurement for a specific metric.

Can I use Python to set up alerts for high CPU and Memory usage in Google Cloud Run?

Yes, you can use Python to set up alerts for high CPU and Memory usage in Google Cloud Run. You can use the `logging_v2_Client.create_alert_policy` method to create a new alert policy, and specify the conditions for the alert. You can also use the `logging_v2_Client.create_notification_channel` method to create a notification channel to receive the alerts.

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