Prettier is Removing TypeScript Generic Annotations from React Class Components? Here’s What You Need to Know!
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Prettier is Removing TypeScript Generic Annotations from React Class Components? Here’s What You Need to Know!

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Are you tired of seeing your beautiful TypeScript generic annotations disappear into thin air after running Prettier on your React class components? Well, worry no more! In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this phenomenon, and more importantly, provide you with practical solutions to get your annotations back. So, buckle up and let’s dive in!

What’s the Big Deal About TypeScript Generic Annotations?

TypeScript generic annotations are an essential part of writing robust and maintainable code. They provide a way to define the type of a generic parameter, making your code more readable and self-documenting. In the context of React class components, generic annotations are particularly useful for defining the type of props and state.

interface Props {
  items: T[];

class MyComponent extends React.Component, { count: number }> {
  // ...

In the example above, the `MyComponent` class is defined with a generic type parameter `T`, which is used to define the type of the `items` prop and the `count` state. This annotation provides valuable information about the component’s type constraints, making it easier for developers to understand and work with the code.

Why is Prettier Removing My Annotations?

Prettier, a popular code formatter, is designed to enforce a consistent coding style across your project. However, in the case of TypeScript generic annotations on React class components, Prettier can get a bit overzealous and remove the annotations altogether.

This behavior is due to Prettier’s default configuration, which treats type annotations as unnecessary and redundant. While this might be true in some cases, it’s certainly not the case when it comes to TypeScript generic annotations, which provide critical information about the type constraints of your code.

Solution 1: Configure Prettier to Preserve Type Annotations

The first solution is to configure Prettier to preserve type annotations. You can do this by adding the following configuration to your `.prettierrc` file:

  "printer": {
    "typescript": {
      "ignoreTypeAnnotationFor_TS": false

This configuration tells Prettier to ignore the default behavior of removing type annotations for TypeScript files. With this setting, your generic annotations should be preserved after running Prettier.

Using a Prettier Config File

If you don’t have a `.prettierrc` file, you can create one in the root of your project. The file should contain the configuration above. Alternatively, you can also specify the configuration in your `package.json` file using the `prettier` property:

  "prettier": {
    "printer": {
      "typescript": {
        "ignoreTypeAnnotationFor_TS": false

Solution 2: Use the `@type` Comment to Preserve Annotations

If you’re unable to configure Prettier to preserve type annotations, you can use the `@type` comment to preserve your generic annotations. This approach involves adding a special comment above your class component, like so:

 * @type {React.ComponentClass>}
class MyComponent extends React.Component, { count: number }> {
  // ...

The `@type` comment tells Prettier to preserve the type annotation above the class component. This approach is particularly useful if you’re working on a team or contributing to an open-source project where configuring Prettier might not be an option.

Solution 3: Use a Third-Party Plugin

Another solution is to use a third-party plugin, such as `prettier-plugin-typescript-annotations`, which is specifically designed to preserve TypeScript annotations. You can install the plugin using the following command:

npm install --save-dev prettier-plugin-typescript-annotations

Once installed, you’ll need to update your Prettier configuration to include the plugin:

  "plugins": {
    "typescript-annotations": true

This plugin will ensure that your TypeScript generic annotations are preserved after running Prettier.


In conclusion, Prettier removing TypeScript generic annotations from React class components can be a frustrating experience. However, by configuring Prettier to preserve type annotations, using the `@type` comment, or installing a third-party plugin, you can ensure that your annotations are preserved and your code remains readable and maintainable.

Remember, it’s essential to understand the underlying reasons behind Prettier’s behavior and take proactive steps to preserve your type annotations. By doing so, you’ll be able to write more robust and maintainable code that’s easier to understand and work with.


If you’re still unsure about how to handle Prettier removing your TypeScript generic annotations, here are some frequently asked questions to help clarify things:

  • Will configuring Prettier to preserve type annotations affect performance?

    No, configuring Prettier to preserve type annotations should not affect performance. The configuration only affects how Prettier handles type annotations, and it does not introduce any significant performance overhead.

  • Can I use the `@type` comment for other types of annotations?

  • Are there any other plugins available for preserving type annotations?

Plugin Description
prettier-plugin-typescript-annotations Preset for TypeScript annotations
prettier-plugin-typescript Plugin for TypeScript support
prettier-plugin-ts Plugin for TypeScript and TypeScript-like languages

Conclusion (Again!)

In conclusion, preserving TypeScript generic annotations on React class components is crucial for writing maintainable and readable code. By following the solutions outlined in this article, you’ll be able to keep your annotations intact and ensure that your code remains robust and easy to understand.

Remember, it’s essential to stay vigilant and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of coding tools and technologies. By doing so, you’ll be able to write code that’s not only beautiful but also maintainable and efficient.

Happy coding, and may the code be with you!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Prettier is removing typescript generic annotation from react class component” in a creative tone and voice:

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions about Prettier and TypeScript generic annotations in React class components? We’ve got answers!

Why is Prettier removing my TypeScript generic annotations in my React class components?

Prettier removes TypeScript generic annotations because they are not valid JavaScript syntax. Prettier’s primary goal is to format your code according to a set of rules, and generic annotations are not part of the JavaScript spec. Oops!

Is there a way to keep Prettier from removing my TypeScript generic annotations?

Yes! You can use the `// @format skip` comment above the line where you’re using the generic annotation. This tells Prettier to skip formatting that specific line, and your annotation will remain intact. Phew!

Why do I need TypeScript generic annotations in my React class components in the first place?

Generic annotations help TypeScript understand the types of your component’s props, state, and context. This enables better code completion, error detection, and type checking. In short, they help you write more maintainable and error-free code!

Can I use Prettier with TypeScript without losing my generic annotations?

You can use Prettier with TypeScript, but you’ll need to configure it to ignore the generic annotations. One way to do this is by adding a `.prettierignore` file with a pattern that matches the lines containing your generic annotations. This way, Prettier will skip formatting those lines and preserve your annotations.

Are there any alternative formatting tools that can preserve my TypeScript generic annotations?

Yes, there are alternative formatting tools like `tsfmt` or `dprint` that are designed specifically for TypeScript and can preserve your generic annotations. Give them a try if you’re not satisfied with Prettier’s behavior!

I hope this helps!

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